1. Take full details of the nature of loss.
  2. Take photographs.
  3. Take contacts of witnesses.
  4. Draw diagrams to explain.
  5. Open a file and keep all documents pertaining to this claim in one place for future reference.
  6. More details eases settlement.
  7. Fill in a claim form.
  8. Fill a police abstract form


  1. Take details of the location.
  2. Take details of the cause of the accident.
  3. Notify us immediately.
  4. Where a third party is involved NEVER ADMIT LIABILITY.
  5. Take details of the third party.
  6. Take details of the third party’s insurers.
  7. Obtain repair estimate from a garage and send it to us. Don’t authorize repairs without the consent of the insurers.
  8. Complete a claim form and send it to us.
  9. Send us an original police abstract.
  10. Send us a copy of the logbook.
  11. Send us a copy of the driver’s valid driving licence.
  12. Obtain an inspection report in case there are injuries.


  1. Replace the damaged windscreen.
  2. Take photos before and after repair capturing the number plates.
  3. Complete a claim form and forward it to us with the following documents.
  • Original replacement receipt with ETR.
  • Copy of logbook.
  • Copy of driver’s valid driving licence.


  1. Ascertain the amount lost and notify us as quickly as possible.
  2. Make an official report to the police and obtain police abstract which should be forwarded to us.
  3. Complete a claim form and send it to us.
  4. Compile an inventory of the items stolen.
  5. Repair quotation incase of damage during the break-in.


  1. Report the loss to the nearest police station.
  2. Ascertain the amount of loss and advice us as soon as possible.
  3. Complete claim form and forward it to us.
  4. Send us relevant documents in support of the loss of cash e.g. bank statements for three months before the loss, sales invoices etc to proof source of cash.


  1. Advice us immediately you discover the loss/ have reason to believe there has been an action of fraud or dishonesty involving one or more of your employees.
  2. Notify the police authorities for further investigation to be carried out.
  3. Withhold any moneys due to the fraudulent employees.
  4. Submit a completed claim form to us showing the net amount of the loss.
  5. Send us reference letters for suspects from their previous employers.
  6. Obtain a police abstract and forward it to us.
  7. Termination letter.
  8. Copy of ID for the suspect.
  9. Appointment letter.


  1. Notify us immediately and repairs should not be started without authority from the insurers.
  2. Complete a claim form and send it to us.
  3. Obtain repair/ replacement estimate and advice.
  4. Compile a breakdown/ costing of amount claimed to be forwarded to us.


  1. Notify us immediately.
  2. Complete a claim form and send it to us immediately.
  3. Attach purchase/ replacement receipt for the damaged/ stolen items.
  4. Still incase of loss send us all the relevant accessories e.g. incase of a phone.


  1. Report to the police station.
  2. Take immediate action to minimize the loss.
  3. Notify us as soon as possible.
  4. Complete a claim form and forward it to us.
  5. Send us repair estimate incase of damage.


  1. Advice us on the injury immediately.
  2. Complete claim form and forward it to us immediately.
  3. Submit medical bills.
  4. Submit payslip copies for three (3) months prior injury.


  1. Advise us immediately.
  2. Complete claim form and send it to us together with a detailed estimate as soon as possible.
  3. Obtain Engineers report.


  1. Always ensure compliance with cargo inspection clause (CSU) of Marine Policy.
  2. Advise us on the loss and then forward to us the following documents as soon as possible:-
  • Original or non-negotiable Bill of Landing.
  • Invoice (s).
  • Packing specifications.
  • Mombasa Port Release Order (MPRO).
  • Consignment Notes.
  • Survey Reports.
  • Correspondence exchanged with the third parties.
  • Import entry.


  1. Report any fatal claim to the director of occupational health and safety within 24hrs and a non fatal claim within 7days.
  2. Complete Labour Form Dosh Part1.
  3. Dosh Part II to be completed by the attending doctor.
  4. Completed forms to be send to the Labour Office to make their assessment by completing WIBA 4 form which should be returned to us immediately.
  5. Obtain detailed written statements from the claimant, eyewitness and a supervisor of claimant.
  6. Advise us immediately once an injury occurs and request for a blank claim form for your completion.
  7. Complete the form and return to us with required documents.


  1. Report the matter to us immediately.
  2. Complete the claim form and attach the following documents:-
  • Original death certificate.
  • Burial permit.
  • Deceased’s ID copy.
  • Any other supporting documents.


  1. Report the matter to us immediately.
  2. Complete the claim form and attach the following documents:-
  • Original receipts.
  • Doctors prescription note.
  • Laboratory request.
  • Any other supporting documents.